Are you feeling tired because of what you eat?

Many people are able to get rid of their tiredness simply by changing what they eat. Food can cause fatigue in several different ways:

It is not simple to determine whether food is the real reason behind your fatigue. Keeping a food diary will help you to establish your eating patterns. In only a fortnight, you might be able to find out which foods leave you feeling drained and which foods actually raise your energy levels.

But even though each person is an individual, there are some basic suggestions that can be made as far as healthy diet goes.

Dietary Guidelines For Fighting Tiredness

Eat five to six small meals a day.

After having a large and heavy meal, almost anybody feels tired. By eating several times a day in small quantities, you will be able to regulate your blood sugar more evenly and put less stress on the organism.

Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables

You should eat at least 5 fresh vegetables or fruits per day. Studies show that less than 10% of American population is currently meeting this general recommendation. If you don’t like fruits or vegetables, you might try freshly made juices. You can get enough nutrients from fruits and vegetables just by drinking one freshly made juice a day.

Reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates

Carbohydrates come in 2 different sorts: refined and complex. Refined carbohydrates are, for example, white sugar, rice and flour. Their outer shell, which contains most of the vitamins and minerals, has been removed.

An average diet contains large amounts of refined carbohydrates. This not only results in lower vitamin and mineral intake, but also leads to blood sugar fluctuations, which alone can leave you feeling chronically tired.

When you are introducing new diet habits into your life, you should start by cutting down on sugar. This doesn’t mean only sweets; you can find sugar in most industrial made juices, sodas, pop drinks or even some breakfast cereals. The other important step is minimizing the amounts of white flour and rice in your diet. Instead, you might try replacing them with whole-wheat bread, cereals and brown rice.

Cut down on saturated fat and red meat

Most experts recommend that you should limit your fat intake to less than 30% of your daily calories.

Saturated fat is linked with numerous cancers and heart disease. It is found it red meat, poultry skin and dairy products. You should control your daily intake of saturated fat by choosing skimmed milk, low fat dairy products and lean meat. Instead of red meat, choose skinless poultry or fish, rich in omega 3 fatty acids, such as salmon or tuna.

Choose organic food and limit additives

When possible, buy organic food. Organic vegetables and fruits have more nutrients and less herbicidal residue. The same principle can be applied to meat and dairy products. The industrial meat contains more hormones and antibiotics than the meat of an animal, brought up on an organic farm.

When you are buying groceries, read the labels on the food. Try to limit your intake of preservatives, artificial flavors, additives or sweeteners.

Stop Feeling Tired

For a more thorough and definitely more practical approach to fighting tiredness, I would suggest that you try the End Tiredness Program, as it represents the most effective way to getting rid of tiredness.

You can learn more about this program by following this link:

Stop Feeling Tired – the End Tiredness Program